With my stretchy aeropastle jeans✨


With my stretchy aeropastle jeans✨

91 7
hey Paige it's Kenzie
how are you doing and how is Brooke going
You're not Kenzie💕Kenzie is @officialkenzieziegler
yes this is me "I hacked this account" this is one of my friends!!💋 she's awesome, anyway how's Brooke's music going
Good💕 But she hasn't recorded in a while✨
oh how many songs has she wrote
sense she last recorded
Not many👍🏼
oh maddie said how do you think she did on Austin and Ally
She was really good🎀 Brooke and I were proud💕
me too💗 i'm so bored😒 what are you doing❓❔
I think I have the same school jeans
ily so much your amazing