Just me


Just me

10 2
awe thnx B
aww I like the one with u and Stephanie and ughhhhhh I want to fight Ariana so bad I can't believe I went at her tho
dude I got suspended me and evi got in a fight right when I was gonna punch Ariana evi choked me fm behind and got on me but I'm only suspended for 3 days and whoever gets in a fight on school property mr Miley is gonna press charges on them and my mom got mad but at home she said I have stop or else I'm going to alc and woodland center
really I didn't want u to fight ma I miss u bestie ur guna miss my b-day
I know I'm Srry but just know I love u and happy birthday ily
thnx I'm crying now I'm really sorry I wasn't there to back u up I would of got in if I was there
I know and don't cry ily
is Marcus mad at me ???
and no Marcus is not mad at u
ok yay tomorrow I go back I can't wait to see you ily kk I'm leaving gtg bye see yalol tomorrow