Collage by Eight_Days_A_Week


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I'm so sorry! I don't what it's like to go through those things, and I'm sorry if it seems like I don't care. I do care Jamie, and I know I keep saying the wrong things. This doesn't excuse it, but I'm not doing it on purpose, and I would never try to hurt you intentionally. I'm sorry that I can't help you, and I'm sorry for saying the wrong things. The only right thing I can say is that I'm praying for you, Jamie, and I hope that one day you get the happiness you deserveπŸ’”πŸ’”
The only thing I can relate to is that I do fake my happiness so others feel better. I'm not depressed, so I have no right to feel as sad as I do. I'm not trying to say I understand though, because I don't😭