so does this count as a theme now?? i hope this doesn't look blurry .<.
why can't it be summer already? i still have 2/3 more weeks of school left
free me
(shooting star//ítou kashítarou)


so does this count as a theme now?? i hope this doesn't look blurry .<. why can't it be summer already? i still have 2/3 more weeks of school left free me (shooting star//ítou kashítarou)

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🏙 because of the colours and how everything is kind of compacted into small areas like this boxed city ting
I totally am loving this new theme!! And omg I will pray for you, I only have 1 more day of school left 😭
this looks so amazing !! i have about a week of school left and we're doing so many projects
i fully agree with you ! the one thing i worry about is if my irl friends forgetting about me over the summer, my last friends did that
ofc 💓 i will attempt your style 🌸
I saw your comment and it's right under the profile picture if you have the newest update
I think it does count as a theme , there's always a touch of white to your edits and the flow of colours goes well together ✨
omF all your edits are v cute 💗✨