Let’s just delete all of the drama collages and forget this


Let’s just delete all of the drama collages and forget this

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I wish there were DM’s in here so I could talk to you that way
personally I want the drama to end as much as anyone, but I feel like this might create more drama. just an opinion. no hate💓
“this isn’t hate, it’s truth” preach omg
ah you’re being smart not calling this hate
if you would like the hate and drama to go away this isn't the way to go. thus will just cause more and fun-life was going through things. she has apologized many times but manu people keep the drama going don't you think she wants it to stop.
Are you kiding. Seriously, stop this. This is not right and it's helping NOTHING!
this account is really aiming to create more drama. I really hate these “expose the truth” accounts because they really do go searching for more drama!! please unfollow me, I will not be part of this
iPad accidentally turns off *SHOOT I WAS READING THAT* *muffled sounds* *drops popcorn* *ARGHHHH* -2mins later- with new bowl of popcorn *ahhhh*
the thing is that.I was on my break while this happened.
I also feel like people react their own way with hate and stuff.