Collage by tealeafgreen


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Hi there :) I don’t agree with this method of gaining followers, but many people just go on a spree of following random people, usually not even looking at the accounts they follow. They follow thousands of random accounts, many of which follow them back as a thank-you. Personally I don’t like this method and don’t do it myself, as I want people to earn follows from me by actually posting good content. That’s why it took me a long time to get where I am now, but getting put on the “pop page” but PC really accelerated the process. Anyway, try not to get too caught up in the amounts of follows you get. I know it can be hard not to, especially if you’re a small account. But trust me, enjoy the days where you don’t have a big fan base (Not saying I have heaps of followers, there are many people with more than me). I had way more fun on PC before I got to 1K as there isn’t any pressure to post and you can just do whatever you want.
Also have a nice day💖 :)