i was rlly in my feels last night and being all depressing so this came out of it😅ahah but it’s all good! i gave orientation to incoming freshmen/new students in our school today which was actually pretty fun! and i have band camp in about an hour which i


i was rlly in my feels last night and being all depressing so this came out of it😅ahah but it’s all good! i gave orientation to incoming freshmen/new students in our school today which was actually pretty fun! and i have band camp in about an hour which i

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awh this is AMAZING! if you ever needa talk about anything, depression, or whatever it is. I’m here for youuu💗💗know that you aren’t alone!
ty! this is absolutely GORGEOUS 💞
this is really beautiful!! I’m here for you! 💕💕 if you need someone to talk about depression or just anything to just let me know
love this!
oof i feel that
thank you :)
this is beautiful 💕 I’m always in my feelings lol but ik everyone else is saying this, but if you ever need to talk, just comment on one of my posts, as it will also be a chance for me to know you better 💕💕
omg i love this so much 🖤
aw I understand how it feels! don’t worry whenever u feel down, remember you’re not alone and r loved ;)
I kind of feel like all busy and all over the place and at the same time not at all
I think my entire like daily routine is kinda messy
like I don’t go to school yet so I’m at home but at home there’s so much to do and so much I want to do but I keep feeling like I don’t have time
like idk I need to prepare for school soon and I need to like actually pack up my stuff but I also want to prepare something for my friend’s bday and also want to draw and paint and ahh
but anyways you’re starting high school! I previously went to a private school that was K-12 grade so moving up to high school didn’t feel very big for me. but now that I’m moving and going to like a regular public high school I feel like it’s gonna feel a lot more like high school
idk if that’s what I want. I almost miss the excitement, the young teenage drama I used to feel when I was young cuz like al I get from private school is too much homework and no social life whatsoever. I’m rlly nervous for starting school though cuz I’m gonna miss the orientation day and Idk how I’m gonna survive like the first few days cuz like jet lag and ahhh
I love this, sometimes I feel like that to especially rn
Question what's a freshman, we have a different school system where I live
of course, I’m here for you!❤️
woahhh stunning
ahhhhh incredible
this is pretty!💕