Thier evil and yet they cannot shake off thier CUTENESS!  FallenSans:.......don't call me CUTE. Meh: Awwwww but you AREEEE!     FallenSans: Do you really want to have a bad time?


Thier evil and yet they cannot shake off thier CUTENESS! FallenSans:.......don't call me CUTE. Meh: Awwwww but you AREEEE! FallenSans: Do you really want to have a bad time?

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......please don't kill me....*backs away slowly*
You haven't really been liking my posts ever since you came back. Did I do something wrong..?
@peridot. no, it's just stupid PC isn't letting me go on many accounts. if I actually go on too many accounts in a space of time, my iPad crashes and it's takes FOREVER to get back up again. but when PC stops being a butt, I'll go on your page and spam you with likes and comments! HUAAAAAAA!!!! -falls over- Fallensans:......your an idiot, you know that? meh: -shrugs- maaayyyybeeee.... Fallensans: you....fell over.....for no reason..... meh: -shrugs- maaayyyybeeee....
@Orbi_Electricity Fallensans: now, why should I kill you? is there any reason that you'd pīss me off? maybe yes, maybe not. do something stupid and come back. FallenPapyrus: -frowns and looks at sans- and once again you practically asked someone to get killed by you. idiot. Fallensans: hey, if they want to be a scardy cat, so be it. everyone is practically "boned" anyway -snorts- FallenPapyrus: OH MY FRĪKIN GOD. meh: AND THIS IS WHAT I DEAL WITH EVERYDAY!!!!
@Happy-Fazzbear-Ponies Ah, okay. I completely understand. Carry on, dorito bab! :3
*giggles alittle from sans joke*
Fallensans: now I DEFINITELY have no reason to kill you -grins, showing one of his teeth were gold. meh: YAY! GRACIE WONT DIE! -noodle arms-
Gracie: *smiles cutely*
Fallensans: Heheheh, your pretty cute. meh: EY. NU FLIRTING. ITS FOR UNDERTALE SANS NOT U. Fallensans: looks like I'm been denied of having some fun~, did I do something to you that makes you so pīssed? meh:.......just go.
Gracie: *giggles*
Fallensans: -grabs Gracie by the hip and grins again- I'm not gonna go, I'm gonna stay here with this wonderful Skele here~ meh: WEHHHH fine........just don't do what I'm thinking your gonna do.... Fallensans: Nonsense! cross where my heart supposed to be and hope to die and stick a needle in my eye socket. meh: -looks at him- I will know.....-dissapears-
Gracie: *blushes*
(hehehehe....). Fallensans: come on, let's get out of this dump and go to Grillby's
Gracie: ok *smiles*
Fallensans:-escorts you to Grillby's, which was unusually quiet- have a seat.
Gracie: *sits down*
Fallensans: whatcha want to eat?
Gracie: um...maybe some fries
fries it is then -grins and gets out of his chair and göes to the fire door and opens it- hey, grills? you there bud? -gôes in the room- whélp. he's not here...... -gões and gets some cooked fries that were on the table and comes out- order up!
*smiles* thanks *takes one and eats it*
he is cute! :3