I'm scared one day I'm gonna wake up and you will have gone to someone else someone better than me. I know I may not be the worlds no. 1 mum but I love her to death I love yo my princes Carolina


I'm scared one day I'm gonna wake up and you will have gone to someone else someone better than me. I know I may not be the worlds no. 1 mum but I love her to death I love yo my princes Carolina

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mesh wove woo two *smwiles*
I love you so much-hugs u-
*hwugs woo bwack and smwiles big*
*gwiggles and bwounces*
-bounces u fast-
if ur not gonna support me then why did u even comment that was rude
no it wasn't can u please hop of this one post cause its special to me and it's for me and my daughter
stop hating on me
I'm not I didn't do anything