🫶-11•03•2024-🫶 [TAP]
#blog 3: hey everyone, i hope you had a great weekend !! do you have any resolutions for the new part of the school year ?? i started my program today haha !! qotd: sleek or messy hairstyles ?? ♡


🫶-11•03•2024-🫶 [TAP] #blog 3: hey everyone, i hope you had a great weekend !! do you have any resolutions for the new part of the school year ?? i started my program today haha !! qotd: sleek or messy hairstyles ?? ♡

21 3
aotd: definitely messy lol my hair is too heavy as well
I love your blogs!!!
Oohh the school trip sounds fun!!
Aotd: I loveee sleek hairstyles, but my hair usually looks messy haha, so messy it is
Aotd: I love sleek hairstyles and I live it less messy as possible
I really like your blog account, your life is really interesting
I have a question: What would be your dream vacation?