Maggie's so hot😍


Maggie's so hot😍

17 162
princess 😍
you're so hot😍❤️
not as hot as you😍💚
daddy you're way hotter❤️🔥
nope princess is very hot it kills me😩😍
yes daddy
I miss you-Daniel
heyhey someone i'm claudia (or chloe haha idc what you call me)
yes babygirl
chu nwever talk to meh
I'm sorry baby
*picks you up
*wraps my legs around you and pouts*
*kisses around your neck
*closes my eyes*
I-I'm sad *looks down£
why babe
because I tink chu don't wov me no mwore *sniffles*
I do babygirl*pouts
but chu nwever talk to meh
I'm sorry
remix me please:(
I want you to talk to meeee
I ammmm babyyyy
no you don't every time you do you never respond to me
I'm responding to you right nowwwwww
but other times you don't
and I'm not talking about right now
I'm soryyyyy
no sorry
I said sorryyyy
No. you don't know how it feels to be ignored by someone that you love
yes I do
Not as much as me. it's not fair to me
I said I'm sorryyyyy*whines
I don't care if you did
*pouts^your mean
your mean for not talking to me and cuddling me. AND not taking me to Disney Land which you said you were going to take me *pouts and crosses arms8
I'll take you tommorow babe
why not today it's not fair *pouts and stomps*
because it's getting late
b-but I want to go
No I want to see Cinderella, Belle, Awriel all da pwincesses
tommorow baby
*huffs* not fair!
No! *crosses arms and looks at you*
*looks at you sternly and upset
*turns my back towards you*
fine sleep by yourself*walks upstairs
*pouts*fine! *runs to the room and grabs my stuffie and goes back downstairs*
no stuffie either missy*takes it away
dats mine gimme *tries to grab it*
no baby once you learn how to be nice you can have it back*puts it on a high high shelf
*looks up at it*i want my stuffie *sniffles* I need it
say sorry
Sowwy *pouts and sniffles* gimme please
*gives it to you
*holds it to my chest*
*smiles at you
up pwese *raises one arm*
*picks you up
*wraps my legs around you* dada where's my paci
*hands it to you
*sucks on it*
baby maybe tonight we can try sleeping without your paci and stuffie
why I can't
why can't you
I just can't
why would you want me to sleep with out my stuffie and paci
maybe to be a big girl to try it
I don't want to be a big girl
okay you don't have to be baby
otay *nods*
*kisses you
*kisses you back*
*holds you
dada cwan I sweep wit chu *looks at you* chu said I need to sweep by myself
you can sleep with me
*smiles* otay
*smiles and lays down.
*lays down on top of you and smiles*
*amiles and closes eyes
*lays head on your chest*
*hears your heartbeat*
*sucks on my paci*
*falls asleep*
*wakes up the next morning
*rubs my eyes and sits up*
*looks at you and shakes you* dada
*wakes up slowly*w-what
it's mowning time *crawls on your lap*
I know but it's early*rubs eyes
no it's not *bounces lightly*
no *shakes head
I said no *puts my hands in your chest*
I said yes
I don't care what you said*crosses arms and pouts* so mean*crawls off you and grabs stuffie* go back to sweep
*sighs and sits up rubbing eyes
*goes downstairs*
*walks after you
*sits on the couch*
*stands in front of you looking down at you*babbe
*shakes head and looks down*
*picks you up*come onnnn princesssss
No go back to sleep *doesn't look at you*
babe*kisses your cheek multiple times
stop itt *tries to get down*
go back to sleep it's to early *imitates you*
*looks at you upset*
*sits back on the couch*
*walks upstairs
*holds the stuffie
*lays on bed
*gets up and walks to the kitchen
*gets a box a cereal and pours it in one of my bowls*
*walks to the couch and starts eating
*falls asleep
*eats and looks around