Turn Ons


Turn Ons

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Hwe mwaking Mwesh twiss hwim! Wuck! *wipes wips*
did you tell Ellie?
Mwesh dwont wike twissing hwim!
I volunteered to take your place!
Woo dwid?
he didn't reply..
Oh.. I swaid, hwe shwould mwake woo cwy, ish dwat dwood?
And I cwall woo owd Mwommy
good girl!
tell him to torture me sweetie it'll keep him busy
I can take it
you're doing awesome!
honey! please!
Mwo! I cwant hwaf woo huwt!!
please honey! I can take it!
Mwo! *cwies*
yes honey! it's gonna all be ok tomorrow! go to bed ok?
*cwies* Woo Mwo huwt!
just do what he says Hun
honey please do what he says
as soon as he tortures me I can do it!
thank you princess
Hwe want Mwesh two hwaf swèx!!
what? tell him torture me then you'll give him the best swx of his life
it'll work
and I can stop him before you two do it
Hwe sway Hwe wiwl aftew swex!
oh no!!
I mwow!
*scweams* Mwow Hwe waping Mwesh!!
no!!!!! honey I wish I could stop him?
honey come here!
*cwies and cwals two woo*
*higs you* I think he went to sleep
I gwonna sweeps *hwugs woo* Nwight mwommy!
Twan mwesh pwarty bwe on Fwidway?
night! and yes!
Dwood mowning mwommy!
Mwommy, woo pwan! Wat mwesh dwo mwow?
I'm what honey?
Woo plwan, what mwow?
Mwesh dwating Jwacwob, Hwe mwice two mwesh mwow
he's gonna leave you alone!
that's great!
I mwow! Awe woo gwetting huwt?
that doesn't matter as long as your happy
Mwesh mwot hwappy wif woo huwt!
honey it's all good now!
It ish?
Mwommy, cwan woo wemwix? Pweaseeee? *pwouts*
Fwank woooooo!