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how do you feel about trump
bad...in a bad way..
I don't have lips hun....
Still! *kisses you*
*kisses back*oooh that's not how I kiss...
*blushes and smiles*
*kisses your cheek*
this is how I kiss...*he holds you closer sticks his tongue out and it touches your lips*
*blushes deeply*
* he holds you tighter waiting*
now that's how I kiss..* blushing and smiles*
*doesnt know what to do* .......
what's wrong...bored?
Y-yeah....*face all red*
what do you wanna do?
welp I'll do what you wanna do...
Oh, um...
I'll do what you wanna do...
......want to....
ok...* hugs you*
*hugs back*
you like hugs..
Yeah! And kisses too :3
heh...I'm getting kinda tired..are you tired..
Why are you tried?
cause I am...
want to sleep on me I don't care
eh..maybe..* he takes off his jacket and lays on you*
y-your kinda heavy...
*blushes hard*
*he turns his head on your lap and looks at you* hey...can I boop your nose...
*he reaches his finger out and it touches your nose* boop! heh heh..* blushes*
*blushes* heh...
Your so cute!~
* takes deep breath* I love you...
I love you too!
* he smiles and closes his eyes*
* he falls asleep *
He's so cute when he's sleeping *blushes and giggles*
zzzzzzzz* he snores quietly blushing*
*kisses his forehead*
* few minutes later* he wakes up he gets off your lap and stretches*
Your wake! *smiles*
heh...yep had a dream about your pretty face...* he touches your face and smiles*
w- why are you still awake?
*blushes* t-thanks!!
what time is it...
Um...I don't know...why?
it's kinda....uhhhh.....well...
uhhh..l..wanted...to..uhhh...ask..y- you to dinner..* blushes bright blue while playing with his thumb*
Okay! *smiles happily*
really?you wanna go out with m-me?!
where do you wanna go?
You can choose! I have nothing in mind
uhh how about the old restaurant that is my favorite..how about grillby's
Sure! *takes your hand*
*he holds it tight walking to,the door* don't let go of my hand ok you'll get lost..
Alright! *smiles* this is going to be great.
How far is it? Where is it? Is it a good place?
* he opens the door * ladies first...
Oh thanks! *walks in*
* sniffs the air* smells good haven't been here for a while..
*sits down in a seat*
so what do you wanna order?
I can order some fries
ok...* he looks away form you and looks at the waiter* hey over here...
waiter: hm hay is for horses...
Um...... (I have to go the bell is going to ring for lunch brb)
we would like to order fries and ummm that will be all...
*smiles and nods*
and can I have ketchup too?
give her ketchup..
* looks at you and smiles*
*hold your hand*...
What do you do when your bored...
*looks away*........
*runs into restaurant and sits in between you two* HI GUYS! Hey waiter I'll have a root beer! so you guys were being a bicycle but why don't we be a tricycle! I'll be the THIRD WHEEL!
* sighs * how's your day.
oh yeah that pizza that I got u that's still in your fridge
waiter: here your stupid root beer and fries with ketchup...
yep.. it's almost gone tho..
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
waiter: your not welcome * walks away grumpy*
☹️what's up with him?
don't know...
I dunno
hey wanna hear a joke
what lights up a soccer stadium?
I dunno what does
I soccer match!..heh heh get it?
I knew you would think it's funny..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚