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So it's come to the point where I am out of ideas😱😬BUT, this is where my AllyCats/BB8RS come in 😋🙌🏻💦❄️ So, comment below some suggestions of what YOU want to see on the account💓 I would LOVE some feedback from u guys😊😋✌🏻️👏🏻
Btw, from this point on, I will starting doing a user shoutout! I will shout out ACTIVE people😋👏🏻 So all u gotta do is like❣ my posts, follow👤 my acc, and comment🗣
watch anime and listen to kpop
not suggestions on what I want to see on your account, but life suggestions- which are even better 😊
i agree with that guy
I wanna see some anime, Doctor Who, and or Harry Potter collage's!
Take our advice Ally! 😆 it'll take you far!
lol and I'm gonna be working hard for that shoutout, I need the followers 😊
Thanks why don't you do like band outfits or summer styles like what your biggest predicted trends might be his summer! Like how to fashion all for summer! Hope these are okay! 🌺💖🙈
^Thx Owlz^
No problem I hope you do it! 💖