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please forgive me ;-;
I promise never to do it again
I swear I won't do it again just please forgive me
I don't think I'm fully forgiven and I know your gonna look at me differently after this... I'll just have to gain your trust again I guess... 😔
I really screwed up this time didn't I?
no... it's my fault... I screw up so many things... like this
*sigh* you don't know how many times I let people down... lost a persons trust... screwed up so badly that I make someone hate me...
no no please don't be like that to yourself...
*hugs* I'm really sorry... just don't be hard on yourself...
how about medium .3.?
what's the song?
wait what ._.
Yurachi: Marcis when you get the time...get Liz from Austin and make sure she's not sick or hurt or anything...not that I think Austin would hurt her...just cause of Kanji...