I hope you enjoy these games, I have never really done one all by myself so that will be fun to try. Anyways please sign-up!


I hope you enjoy these games, I have never really done one all by myself so that will be fun to try. Anyways please sign-up!

28 21
omg Idk if I could do so many games at once and I really want to but I know I won’t be here for it I’m so sorry Saarah I wish I could join
Sarah *
I might change my mind tho but we will see💖
sure, but when does it start?, so I have an idea if I’ll be busy or free
thank you! i’ll join 💓
oh ok I’m good with that!
okay I’m gonna join and tbh I don’t mind what team I am on. you can choose for e but my tops picks would team beach, tropical and mountains
I’d love to but I’m going out of town soon and wouldn’t be able to finish the games😭
excuse me but i would like it if you would enter my icon contest!
okay cool
i’ll give this a try :))