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clearly, the blue haired queen is the winner
maybe she could’ve pulled it off if she was clean shaven because that mustache is not doing her any favors
this is probably because I’m a lesbian but I don’t find beards/mustaches beautiful at all
it’s just aesthetically unpleasing to me
what’s your thoughts?
if you wanted to dye your hair, which color (or colors) would you pick?
^ figured we’d just ask each other random questions
me neither , but hypothetically I’d pick pastel pink
if you could live in any time period in history ( anything before 1990) which era would you pick?
yeah that must get really annoying
80s , for the music and movies and really pop culture in general was great back then
okay your turn
ask me something
? Mitch?
oh okay
what’s your middle name? ( I’m assuming you’ve picked one)
that’s okay to ask right?
Lee’s already a genderneutral so I get why you’d keep it
mine’s Lynn
I got my name because it was the only one my parents could agree on
Lynn seems to be a pretty common middle name
cool 👌
my sisters name is kamithy and I asked my mom about it and she said she wanted her child to have a unique name