I found out the only reason I need to go to senior year is to get 1 year of religion credit and half a year of gym credit😒😒


I found out the only reason I need to go to senior year is to get 1 year of religion credit and half a year of gym credit😒😒

35 0
Really? that sucks. A religion credit? what's that? Do you go to a religion school? I have to take seminary (church class) in high school but unfortunately it's not a credit.
Ya I go to a catholic school and you need 5 religion credits to graduate but I will only have 4 by my senior year so I have to go to school for another year to get it🙄
Yeah all of the good schools in our area are Catholic, so ya if you fail religion you have to repeat your grade which stinks! I have a 6 class a day schedule so each class is 53 minutes unless it's an assembly day, then our classes are 54 minutes😂