Collage by brokenroleplay34


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hey -lea
just chilling and you
I’m talking to a great gurl
that’s cool I know ur with Charli
no she broke up with me
stop lieing I don’t like liers
im not lying she deleted all pictures of us on her page
that sucks
ik and she wont talk to me
cause she must be offline
no like she sees it then leaves me 😔 so im trying to fined love
so ur not interested
idk 🤷‍♀️
well ill be looking for someone while you think
Anthony want be friends
sorry i really like you so we can’t be friends
okay then bye
nice to meet you! im amber
thank youu! you are too, i’d love to be
nicks like a brother to me *giggles* besides i have a boyfriend
that’s soo cool
he’s single yes, but says he likes someone but wont tell me who. and course we can, i’d love that
okay cant wait xoxo