a bad poem because why not 

I’m not vibing with the way the friend who abandoned me is acting right now 
She randomly started texting me and stuff and is acting really nice but idk man
she’s also apparently switched political mindsets completely from whe


a bad poem because why not I’m not vibing with the way the friend who abandoned me is acting right now She randomly started texting me and stuff and is acting really nice but idk man she’s also apparently switched political mindsets completely from whe

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@caption: She’s also apparently completely switched political mindsets from when we were really good friends and she, like, is a Trump supporter now, which I don’t exactly love
and the sad part about that is that I think she just started supporting him because the popular crowd she hangs out with now supports him
and she wants to fit in and be popular
anyways I’m sorry for dumping that here
ngl this is the best poem i’ve heard all month
that shi hit deep
pffttt screw her you don’t need her in your life😤
i wouldn’t trust her, if she’s willing to change just for popularity..aHA GOODBYE 👋🏽 cuz she might just do anything to reach that point, which could include stomping on you so NOPE BUH BYE👏🏽
this is deep tho
@caption: uH well she sounds trustworthy😳
this poem hit me hard
@caption NOPE sounds just plain fishy to me 😳 if she would abandon you for popularity that is just a no 😵
yeah u don’t deserve her
you don’t deserve her jordan >:( your way better than her, if she’s changing just for popularity and all, dump her sIS.
she should educate herself politically and choose her side and not base it of others with
ur better then her jordan 😌🙌🏼