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Chat page!

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haha ok good night your not
me to but pls look at my recent I did it all by myself
yea it’s ok if it’s ugly I don’t care
it’s for a play
lol but yea am the main character named Isabel she gets bullied
no 😂
well we made it last year so this year we are going to play the play get it
pretty good 😃
just woke up
about to start schoolwork :(
wanna collab ??
okay so
bacically u will pick a quote and. remix it to me and also u will pick a background that matches the quote the you’ll remixme the background then I’ll put it together with the pngs sound good
oh I’m fine just being a hxe lol
The best place.. Poland was cool because of the history.. Peru was cool because it was fun to explore and japan was just overall pretty cool
hey wanna collab now !!??
The dogs are called Sydney and Mel, the rabbits are called Tyler, Joshy and beebo (all girls)
hang on how do you pronounce your name
so u pick the background an d quote and remix them to me okay
okay lol it’s night tim ever I just ate lunch
Agreed! 😂😂
I have two younger sisters and they decided too name them after singers I like 😂😂
thanks 😘
okay find a quote and a background that matches pls and remix me them !!!❤️❤️
ok :)
so I got the background can u find another quote just. search up quotes and some will pop up the screen shot a few and remix me and then I’ll put it together lol
lol r u doing it ???
TY ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
hey I done yet
u just need to find a quote that it it take like 2 mins lol
lol well I’m about to be 17 had my heart broken a thousand times so who cares I’m living life up
omg okay
I’ll use like 4 lines way to long lol
imma go make it Byee
I love him
here it’s finished u can post it now
post it !! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘❤️😘
Hey hey heyyyyy frenn