Plz go die


Plz go die

4 0
sure she did.
go f of bxtch
she is the opposite of those evil words! go to hèlll!! if u died, she wouldn't have to worry about herself!!! and others don't have to worry about her well being! go fûck yourself bîtch
you are that she is the opposite!
like a BRAT in my school..ñ
here is what i felt like saying to her... Go get A f****** brain
she will not go die
you have hurt my friend she wants to die I'm not seeing her get hurt and you spooling her dreams and making her hurt herself she's been through enough and I've been there I'm in the same bloody room as her she's crying its your face you have upset an inocent human she wants to die and she might not make it any further than this she is in a enough pain as it is and she just overdosed were home alone so we can't do anything but she has started to feel dizzy already
👆(if you know what i mean)
dàmn you! Gorgie just overdosed bc of you! how sick are you! ur a sadistic person! go to hèll!!
what is wrong with you???? why are you doing this? leave her alone for goodness sake. she's my friend and I will stand beside her no matter what
oh and you cant spell look at ur name
plz stop
please stop 😭🔫
f of
Get off of here! you don't deserve to against!
bc this is wrong. and seeing this makes me want to kill myself. and if gorgie kills herself bc of haters like u. guess what ur to blame and when I find out she is dead I will kill myself too and then Eve will then Grayson will and so on and so forth. so u hating on her and making her want to die is causing pain to more then her. and if she dies there is a chain off ppl dead and it's ur fault
stop hating on Gorgie!
she isn't fat anyways.
What has she done to you?