Collage by kmca


1 6
what's up
the sky 😜
that's my thing
so what's up *other than the sky*
just finished watching Batman Begins
on Friday it's the last day of school
and tomorrow in class my math teacher is having a spa day so we get to paint our nails
what!!!!!! no fair
i still have next week and then the following Monday
well I hope you survive those next few days 😁 those are the longest days u will ever have lol
yea tell me about it
I sent you a remix of batman I love batman
hey you there
ya I'm working on a drawing srry
oh it's ok my mom took my camera of my phone so I can't take pics I use my pick from befor but can I see a pic of the drawing
ya I'm almost done
cool thanks
what is it of
your drawing is so good
so now that you are done what will you do
no it's not done 😁 that's the pic I found online that I'm outlining and coloring in
lol I'm not that good
oh but still
I have a question
do you want to make an account to get her
lol I meant together
not rlly right now, maybe in the future if that's ok
that totally fine but that picture..... that's amazing
thx 😊I love to draw
me to but I am not that good
I'm sure your great 😊
so let's get to know each other what do you want to know about me ask me any thing
umm what do u like to do in your free time?
(I'm watching Xmen now)
babysit swim read draw
and ride horses
lol you really love superheroes don't you
wow!you would get along great with my friend from school!her life rlly is about horses!lol
I like to write, read ,draw ,sing ,watch movies
are you in band
no I'm in choir
oh choir is cool
what grade are you in
can't say srry but I'm in middle school
I will be in 10 next school year
lol I meant my siblings will be in 10 next year I will be in 9
we are all the same age for five months out of the year
ask me another question
nice.Whats your favorite book?
sunny side up
what's yours
I can't wait to see the ex men movie
lunar Cronicles.Great series.I highly recommend it
cute cat picture)
thanks he's my hole world his name is champ
will will show you some others of him
kk he's very cute 😸)
I sent them
very cute!
he's spoiled he has his own cat stand in my room that the other cats can't use
yea so do you have any pets
a dog,Guinea pig,and two crabs
I gtg to bed night!!
I will text you tomorrow