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caballo what's wrong? 😟 ur rlly scaring me right now
*falls to the floor crying*
hugs tightly* caballo tell me what's wrong. I don't like seeing u like this *starts crying*
*cries* the voices...
what voices? what are they saying?
their telling me to run the voices in my head
don't listen to them.Thats just Satan trying to get in ur head.You are handsome, wonderful, and one of my best friends.You are amazing
*cries and I shake in fear* help me...
I'll try.Ur sister went through, ur not alone.We're always here for you.plz......Don't leave us......
*i close my eyes and stop moving*
caballo.I understand it's hard but plz, u can fight through this.Plz... don't leave me *looks at u with tears in my eyes*
*opens an eye* what can I do...
what I usually do is, scream in my head get out and most of the time it works.If not, remember TMNT1,Aj, and I all love u and so does God.
*sighs and I trot away* I'll try *sighs and when I get home I get a rope*
no no no no caballo stop plz *crys harder* ur scaring me.plz stop.I love you.Ur my best friend.
*i drop the rope and fall to my knees* NO STOP PLZ STOOOOOOP
caballo plz don't do this.People who have tried it have regretted it.You so don't deserve this.I understand what's it like to have voices in ur head.But trust me it gets better.Just try thinking of something else. *Hugs closely* plz caballo, for me
*cries and goes silent*
caballo plz *stares into ur eyes* plz
*hugs you*
hugs closely* I'll always be here for u caballo. no matter matter what