Yea, I like bracelets.


Yea, I like bracelets.

396 2
bracelets r cool
omg first comment lol
me to
you have really awesome bracelets :)πŸ’™
please follow me !!
Hahaha ❀️
you're literally too fabulous for your own good ;) @kentonjduty
cool bracelets!!! them!πŸ™‚
hi Kenton you've inspired me A LOT so yesterday was the last day of the school semester and we had an award ceremony and in August when I first found your account I I guess stalked you and it inspired me to do my hardest and it payed off I got a reading award,spelling,science,writing,math and Social studies. I came here to ask if you would follow me and that you're awesome!
we have the same last name😊
cool me 2!
follow me but your a boy you don't wear bracelets
Trying to reach 200 lulalovers! Please help me! xoxo, lulabelle
are you famous
if I were to take all 50000000000000 of my bracelets off...... oh god.... anxiety!!!
hey I do to plz follow me
lol πŸ˜† you A boy why are you Wearing bracelets LOL just kidding
lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚