Collage by ughitsmatty_hatepage


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Shut the hèll up. That's my fûcking girlfriend you fûcking bîtch!
what the hełł?! there are so many people here that like her and thinks she's pretty âf, and if you're not one of them you're missing out on a lot of crâp. i can't believe you're judging her one you don't know squat about her... you have no life
You people need to chill!She/He is just insecure 😟!There sad and confused!
Though this is NOT right and if u wanna talk I'm here🙂.Im sorry ur going through pain but it's rude and cyber bullying.
So don't call Her/Him a b**** or that other stuff because that will make them feel worse and keep be insecure and rude online!
So don't call Him/Her a b**** because it will make it worse!U don't know what happening in others lives!
I know right? Because looks are all that matter! smh