No one has the right to take 50 people's lives. It angers and disgusts me. //If you add up the birds and letters, there are 50- one for each victim that lost their lives. I know this is my second post about this... idk if I'll keep the other up, but this


No one has the right to take 50 people's lives. It angers and disgusts me. //If you add up the birds and letters, there are 50- one for each victim that lost their lives. I know this is my second post about this... idk if I'll keep the other up, but this

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"event and its victims deserve a formal collage commemorating them" (the rest of them caption)
I agree so much! No one deserve this!💕😢
I totally agree! Since when does 1 person have the right to take 50 peoples' lives?! The shooter is not only taking the victims' lives but he is also hurting so many of their loved ones & it's just not right
We have turned the world into such a dark place 😔😭
the world is a dark place....😔😪
I heard about this on the news an was horrified...😮😢😖