Crazy hair day


Crazy hair day

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y’all gonna get caught
are you mad at me?
no why u ask that
because you wont talk to me and did she say anything about what i said at the liebary
no and there’s not anything to talk about
what do you mean
there’s nothing to talk about like nothing happened and your half way so I cant talk to u
what does half way mean like from you. did she said that i think that you like are hair because u awalys play or flip it
yes away from me
then why were you and her looking and laughing at me and so was Dre
we wasn’t laughing at u we were laughing at Mackenzie
why what she do
she was sitting in my seat and when I asked her to get out of it she got out out of it and I wiped it off so we all started laughing 😂
I said that u were a drama queen but I was jk
i mean it the truth some times
hey girl hey
what that about
nothing I’m just felling silly
what did you do
I put slime on Brande binder and pretended like it was snot
she said it smell like hot sauce