
I didn't check spelling so pls don't judge on that 

should I post pictures of the concert pls comment and tell me!!


tap I didn't check spelling so pls don't judge on that should I post pictures of the concert pls comment and tell me!!

12 1
YASSSSS OMG!! Plz do post pics !! (if not here at least on ooVoo)
yay!! hahah😂👏🏼I'm so ready!🙌🏼🙌🏼
YEs yOU shOulD TOtalLy PoST picS. I neED to SEe
- tHE PhoTOs CaUse ItS nOt liKe I'm gOInG oR AnyThiNg
YASSSSS! I’m going too. not to that one but to see him. OH MY GOSH I’M SO JEALOUS
yes. I'm so jelly
got it. he said it had blue flowers and when the other one didn't I got confused