Collage by Peridork


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i hope u feel better
We forgive u [:3]
so have i. although im not really sure what youre going through, we'll get through this together. i believe in you.
take your time, love! focus on your life first. I hope if anythings going on, it's sorted out and you feel good soon
-@all first four comments ^
Aw. Feel better!
it's okay honestly, we understand and you don't have to feel obligated to post for us if you're not okay ^-^
It's okay, take care of yourself first, then post if you feel well enough.
Peri, if you're not up for it, you don't have to post, you know. Take some time for yourself.
hey man take your time, you are your first priority, don't feel pressured to post especially when you're busy or your mental state isn't the best, I pray that you get better because you deserve it