Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


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u are such a nice person and I don't think u deserve ur parents to die like that so u live in a children's home I live in cairns were are u from? I cried when I heard ur story do u all g to school is the person that looks after u nice? I have so many question please answer on my chat page see ya u are awesome ๐Ÿ‘
11.two guinea pigs had to give them away they kept pooing they were called honey and coco,I had a dog called ruby she kept pooing in my house so we gave her away,now I have a dog called bear we have him right now
๐Ÿ˜‚11- A dog named Platty, A cat named meow meow, a fish named Pucker, and now a dog named scout.
yes it is true that they are annoying
I'm really sorry people bully u I'm the same these weird dudes always bullying me it doesn't matter about the outside it's the inside that counts the most u and me are alike I'm gonna tell people to follow u so check out my profile and I will surprise u
i love the name scout
and it is so sweet you all will not let one thing break each other apart
u are inspirational
Thank you, you're right. We named Scout that because he always seems to tell when a rainstorm is coming.
and the name meow meow is hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚
when are you going to do a face reveal?
8- Hopping that train, it was terrifying, I thought I was going to die.
We probably won't do a face reveal, privacy reasons and people could be looking for us.
cause police remember they ran away
I feel so bad ๐Ÿ˜ฐ I really want to help but I don't know what I can do
it is so cool that he knows when it is a storm or it is about to rain good name who made it up u should really make a chat page
please reply on my profile
Weird thing, no alerts or anything for runaway kids. Like we don't exist
It's ok, you don't need to help, we're doing pretty well and haven't gone with out food for 24 hours in three days, we've got each other at least.
what can I do to help, what advice do you need, I can look up any survival tactics for you
It's alright, but here's a question, what do you think the best food is to eat when on the run?
hmm, orange slices and water help regenerate, if you're in a hurry, don't stuff yourself, eat at least some meat and calcium (milk) is good for strengthening your bones
but NO fatty foods, they might taste good, but it doesn't look good running with flub (no offence)
๐Ÿ˜‚Thanks! We can never figure out what to eat, everyone always wants something different๐Ÿ™„
maybe eat fruit or water ๐Ÿ’ฆ and maybe milk and cereal in the morning if u have enough money sorry I can't give u food but I will give u emojis food๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ“๐ŸŒฏ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ”๐Ÿค๐Ÿž๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿช
Emoji food: The best looking food
thanks I hoped u would like it and it is true
it is the best
do u brush your teeth
just eat healthy that's all, all fruits have specific superpowers wether it's better bones, vitamin c or if it's full of fibre
Yes we have a toothbrush, one toothbrush. Don't ask... Yes we do brush our teeth usually.
the best thing is u can go to bed whenever u want right
^also thank you, I think we'll try getting oranges.
Yeah, as long as we have a good place. We walk most of the day, tiring. So we usually get to sleep around 9:30 ish. Although a couple days ago we stayed up all night. Not by choice. (We wrote about it on one of the blogs)
nice choice
are u the oldest
Luke is the oldest (13) he's two months older then Lucas who's also 13. Amber is the the youngest (11)
cool thanks
Carla is (12) but likes to act like she's older
see u in the morning night
good luck tomorrow
that's funny I have a brother
I can't talk anymore got to brush my teeth sorry see u in the morning good luck
I normally wake up at 7:00
i leave for school at 7:30 night sorry wish I could stay and chat but gotta brush
that was funny
Luke: Single, Lucas: Single, Carla: Single, Amber: Single
From America, but we moved to Germany because of our parents jobs. (Oh and we suck at German.) Hallo!
Using Luke's phone, but we all control it.
Abortion... Well, only for victims of rape or similar situations.
8 for everyone?
Not sure before, but me (Carla) right now. You can ask to talk to anybody, we're all free.
Yes, blisters, chapped lips, bruises. Walking for miles. It sucks, once we went for almost 2 days without food. At least we have each other, better than being alone.
Somewhere in Germany... or I'm not really sure, since we move so much.
It's ok, we're doing pretty good so far. I guess. Only thing that gets annoying is the questions "What happened to you." Yeah, hostels, grocery stores, gas stations. Same questions. That's not how you introduce yourself๐Ÿ˜‚
We all think that abortion should be for victims of rape or other situations.
There aren't that many, but we love to tease each other a lot and chat about whatever comes to mind. (One time it was about "Corn people" people who apparently stalk the corn fields at night and sabotage the scarecrows. Don't ask how THAT came up...
Lucas, #1
u say u live in Germany? I live in America, but I am in Germany right now!
you probably won't see them, Germany is a big place.
7, Amber