Collage by sierraaaaaa


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Sorry babe i was planning on going down but i layed down on the couch and l fell asleep and just now woke up
I mean if my mom didnt wake me up for dinner i would probs sleep till tomorrow lol but yee sorry babe
thatsss kinda funny lol don’t worry I walked to Johns place and left early and drove around for awhile sooo maybe it was safer u were at home 😂
lol good job babe 😂
Honestly dont wanna know what u and John done but yee
Fxck going to bed sounds good rn
pfffft u make it sound weird no I just sat there and him and his mom started fighting so left at like 5:30 ish
Lol kk
ooooo ppl might die
like nowww
At least u had funn i just had a dream about us and it honestly kinda fxcked
What happend now babe
wut happened
No no what happend wit ur fam
Megan’s bein a bxtch okay now I’m curious like wut happened oml
like I gotta know now 😂
We had a girl and when she grew up she had a kid the same age as us and are grand kids had a kick. Yea thats about it
oh god k oml... makes senseeee
yea sorry I’m stabbing her she’s just bein a Royal bxtch rn
Yea like i said its kinda fxcked
Lol thats fine babe
god sorta lol... baaaabe I think it’s official... I need to leave
like out of this house... forever
Y what happend babe
fxcking megan she’s doing online schooling so she’s for sure moving in like I doubled checked..... she lives here now apparently wthhhh
Dam babe that sucks
I’ll go live at the lake park or some shït fxck this place
Yea dont blame u babe
I wanna dieeesee fxck it
Baaaaaaaabbbbeee no u cant die
Dam i wont thors muscles
well I’d rather die than live with Megan like death this kinda fxcking sucks
Yea babe i dont blame u tho
😑 ima like leave tomorrow like get tf out for most of the day I can’t stand her... and god ik Thor is hot like sorry but he is 😂
Well shet
Thats thats ig nice to know
don’t judge me he’s a movie actor ima call him hot oh well... ur hot too tho I’m all honeslty so sthu 😂
Um ummm kkkkkk
Thats like me sayin wonder women is fxckin died drop gorgeous
don’t judge me me
Im not judging
goddd lol okay well she is tho tbh she’s a fxcking super model lol... god okay but I’d rather b with u then some hot actor like I fxcking love u to death and ur hot which is a bonus 😂
I mean which she isnt ur the one whos died drop gorgeous
Lol yea babe im honestly lucky to have ur sexy asssss
godd babe lol seee love ur cheesy aśs lol 😊 okay we r both pretty damñ cheesy sooo yea
god babe ❤️❤️
Lol yee ❤️ and we are both stubborn lol love u baby❤️❤️
God dam yea baby not letting go of ur gorgeous assss❤️❤️❤️
oml I never wanna let go babe ❤️❤️
god babe John just walked over 😳
his mom... I dunno if he told u that but he almost had to move in with me for a bit he’s having fam problems
No he never told me
oh just don’t bring it up with him but she was threatening to kick him out and shït so he actually had to call my mom and see if maybe he had a place just in case he did get kicked out... he figured ur mom wouldn’t let him so he just comes here ig when he’s having problems
Fxck no my moms a bxtch
yea ig he gets along with my entire fam like dad and everyone so he just chills here
and he just said he doesn’t like bacon wth
Sorry if i dont txt back right away im looking at dodge cummin
god lol k yea I have hot wings in front of me lol
Lol kk
Baaaaaabbbee i found a 1961 Dodge D200 Crew Cab
God dam i wont it so dam bad
godd I’ll send John over and u guys can go steal it 😂
Its white with big tires and lifted and in amazing condision god dam i really want ti
do I need to help u steal a truck?
Yeess i found a 2014 subaru Sti Hatchback in Missoula
No babe i can find a way to get it
Tell your mom i found a 2016 Subaru WRX Limited CVT for 32 thoudsand and its in Lake Stevens
I’ll help u with the Subaru while u get the truck... I mean sounds like ur stealing both 😆
k I’ll have her help u steal it
I mean i can figure it out or ur mom can help wit the subaru
LOL sorry im Subaru shopping lol
lol good job 😆 yeaaa I’m rethinking the camaro idea tbh
Y babe
Wont fit our kids aye
But y tho babe
well yea it won’t fit all the kids I mean it’s a four door but I mean I got in Johns sport car earlier and I hate how low to the ground that is 😂 like I tried to get out and I basically was laying down in the dirt omlll
tiny aśs Pontiac
Lol yea babe thats y i want a subaru or a hellcat
Its low to the ground and when you drive its like ur layin down and when im drunk i can roll out of the car and not worry about falling out and dying
lol yea I mean I might ride shotgun in wutever lil car I get just if we go somewhere but yeaaa u drive the cars 😂 keep I think is the lowest I’m goin to the ground
lol that would b funny
Lol and i mean i want a ford excursion with a straight pipe lifted a lil, big tires big asssss grill on the front and chiped so that i can black out the cops in a manly van
But yea youll know when im at the bar cause i would probs have a car
god babe 😂 yea I’ll probs not ride shotgun when ur running from cops 😂 just sayin
No i wouldnt be running from cop in my manly van fxck that, thats to many miles for my manly van
I want to keep the miles off the trucks and put all the miles on the car
goddd k babe k lol
Aye i want my kids to drive the manly van
lol okay have fun with that lol... get my stick shift jeep and maybe they can take that out if heh want too if u have the excursion lol
Lol yee and put miles on the jeep
lol okie... that keep tho might turn into like my precious baby like I’ve wanted one for so fxcking long now it hurts 😂 good car to teach kids how to drive in
No there goin to learn in some thing big and maybe some thing fast lol if one kid likes fast hes goin in the subaru if the other one like big and loud the manly van or dodge its there chose but if they like some thing to just cruse in they get to drive the jeep
pfft k lol... yea babe I’m srsly kinda fxcked and getting pïssssed now
Y babe
baaaaabe would u care if I like switched schools and moved a couple hours away which would mean no phone or anything cuz where I would b
to like finish school cuz fxckkk
I mean idk how im goin to see u but ig its up to u
well it’s not even going to happen I kinda wish like kidnap u and take u with me or some shït god buuuut I srsly wanna get tf out this is no
Lol ok yea when were 18 we can tho
I mean fxck megan is srsly moving in like for sure... I’m not even kidding I want out like I have no where to go but I want tf out there too much change in too little time it’s too damñ stressful at this point
we need to b 18 like now
Yea ik bae
sorry I’m bein a lil bxtch rn
there’s no where to goooo fxcking
sorry babe someone said something and it set me off... just fxck I’m stuck srsly I don’t know wut to do
k I love u then ig babe
ima just assume u fell asleep or something tbh like fxck ima take a shower babe I’m sorry but I’m srsly fxcking done I have to get tf out of here I can’t do this shït anymore done dealing with it like I’m not even part of my own damñ family anymore I’m not even here... I need to die like now I’m not even noticed or needed ur all I’ve got but idek rn or anymore so Ima just let u sleep and quite being a lil bxtch about every lil god damñ thing
love u ig..
Sorry babe the computer wasnt louing and my mom decided it was time for bed sorry babe Love u babe❤️❤️
it’s fine I don’t even remember most of last night tbh... love u too
Aye look ur awake
So r u ok babe??
I’m looking at horses and we might buy this guarantor draft so I actually have a reason to b awake
Lol ok
yea... umm I dunno honestly
Ok r u sure babe
Aye babe i gtg to lewi to day and if i get back early i can probs hang out
I don’t know I feel like shït... I’m goin to lewiston for a bit too but I get back at like 12 so just txt me ig
Ok baaabe just honesly dont forget that i love u to death and i will help u throw anything and i will always be here for u❤️❤️
don’t die love u
❤️ god sorry I’m a bit yea rn I love u so much tho babe ❤️❤️
Babe im not leaving to lewi now lol and dont worry im not goin to die
❤️❤️ yea babe i can tell
well known u u will find a way to die.... ugh damñ I would get out tomorrow tbh but I think I’m ridin 😐
kinda like want tomorrow to come
Lol y babe
Well i mean tomorrow is 5 months for us
Ik honestly like wow lol srsly my longest relationship so it’s all kinda new to me and I like it 😊❤️
Lol same babe❤️
yea 😊❤️ god babe Megan is making me wear a baseball cap... this won’t b good
Lol yea dont get my hat dirty plz
don’t worry baaaabe I’m wearing Megan’s hat today so I’ll put urs in my room and like shut the door cuz of cats
Lol ok
Aye bae were leaving i love u baby❤️❤️
god I look terrible 😂
Lol probs not Baby i gtg love u ❤️❤️
goddd I look terrible 😂 okay love I too babe ❤️❤️