To: ilovegonner


To: ilovegonner

10 0
Thank you soooo much
no the way, I've noticed that you seem to do everything in fours...four smiling cat emojis, four o's, four periods after your question.........why is that?........
Well....I guess it's cause four is my favorite number....
Is that so.........
Well, I think that's awesome!!!!!!!
Really?!....Thanks!!!! 😸
No problem πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‹
btw if you like Aidan he's only crazy for looks so, he's a jerk I wouldn't get too attached...πŸ˜’
I'm sure your really pretty but you don't want a guy who's that desperate too..
oh no, I don't like him in that way, I just want to be friends with him,m
thanks you the warning though, I appreciate it very much 😊
for not you
ok, lol I just wanted to protect you because and friend of my Bestie is my friend(ilovegonner is my Bestie irl)
ok, thank you so much
hey , I asked a question !