I've finally managed to learn how to blow bubble gum properly be proud of me


•Kachicka• I've finally managed to learn how to blow bubble gum properly be proud of me

25 0
*is very proud*
I am proud well done
Thanks guys
Thank you...
Please impart your bubble gum wisdom upon me
*does so*
Good for you 😰😰
I'm proud but I still haven't learned how to do that...😪
I would teach you but idek how to do it really I just tried and it happened now I can't stop łmao
łmao I don't even try so that explains why I don't know how to do it
Aha keep trying you'll get there !!
Thnx for the support square !!
You're welcome XxMinYoongi_BTSxX !!
You can call me Min !!
Okay you're welcome Min !!
:) !!
:)) !!!
:))) !!!!