; deux


; deux

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thank you :( it’s gonna take a while for me to feel any better
that means a lot , thank you so much :)
enough about me , how are you ?
yeah of course*smiles* ask away , i’m an open book
ok soo i was born in south florida but i grew up in georgia . i have an older sister named McKayla . i used to be a competitive cheerleader but i stopped two years ago to focus on high school . uhh about three years ago when i was 14 my dad left us so it’s just been me and my mom, because my sister is away at college .
yeah i’m getting there :)
yeah :)
no you were !
sure , you pickk
oooo yes that sounds fun
*nods and grabs my phone*ready :)
thank you*smiles and walks out, looking around*
so far it’s been pretty good , i’m 8 weeks so nothing much is really happening. i haven’t really had morning sickness which is good*walks and looks down at my belly*
*nods and smiles softly*yeah i feel like i’m having a girl
yess for sure*walks and smiles*
*nods and looks ahead, smiling*yeah i think i see it
mm fantasy island sounds good*looks up at you*
*smiles and waits beside you*
yeah ill just have a sprite and skittles*smiles*
thank you*smiles softly*
*walks in and looks around, finding two chairs*
*smiles and sits down, taking a sip of my drink*
*ties my hair up before quietly opening the skittles*
*watches and eats the skittles*
*keeps watching*
*watches and drinks my sprite*
*notices you smile at me , as i smile back at you softly*
*smiles as i gently move a lite closer to you*
*smiles softly as i look up at you*
*kisses you back softly, looking up at you after, and smiles*
*giggles softly and nods, playing with my fingers*yes it was
*nods and smiles up at you* yeah i am
thank you*smiles and gets up carefully, grabbing my phone*
*smiles and grabs your hand , following you*
*holds your hand and walks close to you, smiling softly*
mm we can go back to my house if you want*smiles and looks at you*
*smiles and walks with you*
now*smiles and turns to you, gently gripping the bottom of your shirt and softly pulls you closer to me, kissing you slowly*
*continues to kiss you back , still holding onto your shirt*
*nods softly and looks up at you*(remix me)