Credit to pastelmangas XD


Credit to pastelmangas XD

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tysm! and yes the manga was great. tokyo is probably on my list of places i want to go somewhere too lol!
So true especially the nico one
the only one I get it Nozomi cuz I don't really do love live stuff but ik Nozomi has this bewb running fetish XD
I miss the old spongebob episodes tho ;-;
Ikr ;-;
"bewb rubbing fetish"
( ゚д゚)
Gotta have dem bewbs
yay bewbs \(>w<)/
bewbs for everyone! (つД`)ノ
no actually that would be scary .-.
Yea imagine big round squishy things falling from the sky XD
now imagine one splatting onto your face >_>
ow XD
it's like: *looks up* HOLY SHÎT ITS RAINING BEWBS \(>u<)/ *Splat* XD