Ayase Eli 💙 The waifu above waifus


Ayase Eli 💙 The waifu above waifus

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Eli is freaking bae! she is the smart, pretty, awkward one who is actually always on the verge of tears and is afraid of the dark!
Help me, I'm fan girdling so much! (Not bout this, because Pokemon is making a new game!) help me how to control it! My birthday made it worse because I got Pokemon stuff 😆 And 😞. Plus I got Mario kart 7, and I'm addicted. JUST HELP!
@Nedda XD I don't know how @Luke she is amazing and her voice is angelic
Aren't u like a otaku fan girl expert?!? (One of)
@Nedda yeah I guess XD
I can't post 😣 But I'm getting moon! Bout u? Do u wanna talk bout this on ur Jedi school thing account?
My body is just a big blob of BWAAAAAAA and ER MER GERD! Because I got 100 dollars from mer nerday and I'm gonna save it for a wii u and Pokemon moon 😅 I'm too obsessed