el oh el tRUUUU


el oh el tRUUUU

55 7
omg i know right????
yeah, me too!!
i enjoy adding to your sexual frustration ((-:
what can i say, it's for my entertainment, sorry!! (im not really sorry)
what are the reward options??
oh well that's not too bad
when does the reward take place?
oh wow that's soon, i bet the reward expires, doesn't it?
sounds like a very pleasant reward, i might just take up on it
although it was yours to start with, oops
no BYE
aw cúm on :/
"i'm funny i know"
you sure about that??
i dont know if i'm up for it!
no i know i would do amazing so shut tf up
why are you so eager to try it ((-:
oooh smooth ((-;
we sure can ((-;
no need to thank me ((-;
anytime is a good time for me ((-;
works for me ((-;
just hit me up ((-;
sounds like a plan, can't wait ((-;