Collage by thnksfrnthng


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ah...I see sorry I bothered you ...😞
youre not...why are you reading my remixes? theyre for me and the person im remixing not for anyone else..
whatever...I was checking to see if you remixed me and I saw this.,.
why read it though? its not really your business): it bothers me that i cant talk to someone without you looking..
because I like you!not as a friend but a boyfriend!i was just ugh..,idk
whatever I'm sorry I ever talked to you or remixed was a waste of your sweet time with this girl^goodluvh...bye I love you Holden
wow that was absolutely beyond the rudest things ive ever heard. i dont have time for jerks like you. she is the nicest person on here and she is not a waste of my time. arguing with someone younger than me is a waste of my time. goodbye mires, i dont love you.
*cries*....omg...*pulls hair*ughh
I love you
I love you
I love you...
I'm sorry
please talk to me...
i like you mires, im just really disappointed in you.
I'm sorry I didn't mean anything torwards the girl..
look I need to go clear my head...bye I l or youI I'll text you tomorrow