Collage by BlueSlushie--


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true, there are some people who do not understand pain and struggle, but there are people who absolutely and utterly do and wish to help you and care for you!!! i'm one of those people. i believe you are a wonderful person and i care a whole lot for you.
in the words of Tyler Joseph, 'they will play a game and say they know what your going through. and I try to come up with a narcissistic way to say: they don't know you and neither do I" and i don't know you, and I might not understand, but I am going through shît too, so if you need it, your anxiety/depression ridden mate is here to talk to you. I do care, so much. I know it doesn't feel like it since we haven't met or whatever but you have to trust people when they say that. stay strong, it may feel like there's no end to the torment but there will be for you. :]
I'm sorry, I know I don't understand and I know I say the wrong things a lot, but I genuinely think you're an amazing person and I try to help as best as I can💕
*^* Im here for u