Collage by c-o-m-m-o-n--s-e-n-s-e


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You know, you get so much hate and have to be in so many arguments with people all day... I really respect that. Like, if I get in a debate, my anxiety spikes, and it causes me to shake a lot. That's why I'm usually more feisty or sassy, because I'm affected physically when I'm anxious. It really takes a lot to constantly be arguing your beliefs and spreading them, and to have few on your side. I just want to let you know that if I ever seem angry at you, I'm not, it's just that I might disagree and want to explain. I thank you for all you've done and everything you've said to people to put outward your beliefs and ideas, and I am going to be praying for you because I know it's hard to be constantly attacked. It's a good thing you're doing; don't let anyone get under your skin, people can't take it when others disagree. It's like people think others aren't allowed to have their own opinion. If I ever say anything that you disagree with and want to discuss more on, just ask me, because I have a reason for my way of thinking and sometimes that reason gets lost as I try to define myself. But I'm vv proud out what you're doing, and for your standing up for what you believe in 💛💛 I thought you deserved a little appreciation amidst all the hate. 🙄
Sorry that was a 💛 at the end, or it was supposed to be 😂😂😁😁😁 You know I cannot type by now
Now I feel awkward. Whoops. Sorry 😂😂💛💛💛
that actually meant a lot to me. I've actually admired the way to debate with people- you think everything out completely. I've been meaning to ask you if you wanted to co own?? if not it's fine, it's just really difficult sometimes to keep up w all the stuff that goes on in this acc
Thank you so much for the offer; I'd like to think on it, but I'm definitely interested. I love your account, and I'd love to help in talking to people and such 💛
you're welcome. take as much time as you need!