Collage by -Stanford-


10 2
((( I'll do one.)))
((yay what u wanna do))
(((idk.... I'm terrible at making up rp's. you can choose.)))
(( OK OK OK ..... let's do a murder sene ))
(( okay. you start I guess))
*turns on TV*lets see if there is anything in the news ((haha no one watches the news))
(( u there????))
((my phone has 2%))
(( sorry. I was out on a lake peddle boarding.))
*sits down*
hi!! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, my internet stopped working. But now we can do a RP, I have to go to s softball game at 6:20, so let's end it before than.
what time zone are you in?
((( hey. you on?)))
((( HEYLO! lol. wanna continue?)))