Your all beautiful!😘❀️


Your all beautiful!😘❀️

7 0
this makes me sadπŸ˜” I like the words I just wish people didn't do this to themselves
I knowπŸ˜”
no if never hunted before, but almost all my uncles do (and my brother once in a while). I might want to try to hunt turkey. (I don't think id want to hunt deer though)
but i love doing archery!
do you hunt?
no acutely. but me and my family go to Wisconsin all the time through out the year. and I have to agree, I love deer meat
believe it or not I actually live, like, 30 minutes from Chicago
it's kinda cold. we've had more icy slushes storms then actual snow. how's the weather by you?
Junior high (13). it kinda stinks because I'm the youngest out of my family. (I mean, like, my brother is the closest in age to my and he's 11 years older then me😞😣) what about you?