Please repost!!!!


Please repost!!!!

21 1
same here!
Thank you, I love knowing that people care about this sort of stuff
you're amazing!
I agree
bullying stops people from reaching they're full potential
before you judge someone, go take a walk in their shoes.
and don't act like you wouldn't care, because you would.
Stop Bullying❤️💜
plus, differences don't make you weird, dorky, or messed up. it makes them special. if you think otherwise then maybe you're the one who's messed up
that's so cool!
people have feelings
U too!!!
you are like my new bestie😂
you've actually really inspired me. I don't know many people this willing to share their opinions of anti bullying
Yas! digital Besties 4ever 😂😂😂😂
you should go google quizzes you can take. I've found some really fun quizzes
or you can read a book(let me know if you want suggestions)
or do something outside
My friends best friend got bullied by a bunch of guys and had to move schools because of it!!!!! so I am so against bullying😡😡😡
so all bully's think about what you would feel if you were that person
that's awful, making your whole world revolve around a bully. it's terrible
enter my contest plz
that's horrible