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hey anyone I’m Jeremiah but you can call me joey
I can’t believe I thought you changed...
you asked Tyler out on a date... why are you so cruel to me?
we are together and unlike you, we have kids. oh, and I’m in the hospital because of him right now so I don’t think he’s going to do that. he shot me in the leg accidentally
so fûck off audrey, all you are is a lying whöre
then why am I still wearing the ring he got me? how would you know that we aren’t together? maybe he felt bad for you, it’s probably a pity date
you didn’t see the part where we made up, and stop reading our conversations. somebody told me that you were trying to get him back so I read yours, but it’s not going to be the other way around. stop taking advantage of him when he’s drunk too, hecan’t control what he does when he’s
funny, that’s what we said about you a while ago.
all of you are just a bunch of depressed bîtches who can’t move on from their past so they have to try and steal other dates
he wouldn’t be getting with you if he wasn’t drunk😂that’s what he told me
you’re just too stupid to see it
it’s in the remixes, go and read em. you probably already have.
no, go find it hoe
oh right, you search for the taken dîck
he was too drunk to remember, bîtch
the only reason he wants to be with you is because you guys talk. your brother threatens to not talk to Kylie so he’s used to you