I'm Jassani😊
I'm 13🙃
I love cheerleading🎀
I get in a lot of trouble😬
^^ I just can not do people🤷🏽‍♀️
^^^ but I wuvvv having friends❤️
Not new to pc✌🏽
Ugh. Ask me some questions. My brain is like turned off rn so I can't think of anymore stuff about me😭😂


I'm Jassani😊 I'm 13🙃 I love cheerleading🎀 I get in a lot of trouble😬 ^^ I just can not do people🤷🏽‍♀️ ^^^ but I wuvvv having friends❤️ Not new to pc✌🏽 Ugh. Ask me some questions. My brain is like turned off rn so I can't think of anymore stuff about me😭😂

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