Yesterday was my show choir pizza party and my teach played a joke on us and he said he was going to a different district and I bawled, he is the only real reason I joined choir and ugh any way story cont. in comments


STORY TIME :: Yesterday was my show choir pizza party and my teach played a joke on us and he said he was going to a different district and I bawled, he is the only real reason I joined choir and ugh any way story cont. in comments

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and I was crying my eyes out and then he told us our piano player who is a m a zing was retiring and then he yelled APRIL FOOLS and I was crying so hard it was really funny but also not and then the dance directors said their goodbyes so I cried again then they played DEH and I felt better and I screamed to waving through a window with my friend Jena it was great ok continue with your lives
sounds like an emotional roller coaster of a time