She's in the Phillipinnes (if I spelled that right 😂😂)


She's in the Phillipinnes (if I spelled that right 😂😂)

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Your so fake.ok, I don like Drama and I'm not trying to start it. but You can collect every single picture you have posted and can't you just Takes the picture in your phone "Ariana".😏 Also, you screen Shotted her tweets and it's Obvious cause it has the follow Botton at the top. and for the Instagram picture it says Follow right on the top. Also you would be Verified. we're not stupid. so many people pretend to be Ariana but they Admit to it After A couple posts. and Admit that there a Fan page. so please Admit your not Ariana Grande.
you know I'm right. u jut don't want to Admit it. if you are really real then take a picture of "you" with a sign that says I'm real with your username"