Collage by someweirdos


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Oliver leaps out of the pool and scampers inside, Acr and Andrew not too far behind. Nyx, takes his time, enjoying the rain
(just to keep things going)
Nyx makes his way i side and sits on the kitchen counter. “What now, bestie?” He looks at Oliver. “Isnt it obvious?” Oliver pulls out a game box. “TWISTER!”
Ash walks into the living room and moves the coffee table for Twister. “Oliver and their games...” Ash thinks to himself
Andrew walks in and sees Oliver setting up Twister. “Well this will be interesting.”
Liam is wrapped in a towel “I flippin hätë rain..”
Liam puts on a shirt “YEES!”
Nyx walks into the living room. “I’m game.” He says, grinning at his joke.
Ash reluctantly walks into the room. “I call not playing and spinning the spinner.” Nyx glares at Ash
Jasper sits on a chair “I’m not gonna play.”
“Alright. Suit yourselves.” Oliver throws the spinner at Ash.
Nyx is still glaring at Ash. “Ugh fine I’ll play.” He hands the spinner to Jasper. “It’s your responsibility now”
“*sigh*” Jasper spins the spinner
Ash looks at Nyx, who has stopped glaring and is now grinning
“Left foot, green.” (I’m just making this up ;w;(
Nyx playfully kicks Ash, causing him to fall. “Oopsies. Now he can watch me crush the competition.” Nyx laughs
“Right hand green...”
“Wow green is a popular option tonight.” Oli smiles
“Left foot red.”
Oliver goes to move her foot and kicks Nyx in the face (somehow), causing him to stumble. “oops sorry! but also not.”
“Left hand blue.”
Andrew moves his hand and it brushes against Oliver’s. He blushes al little.
Liam falls on his face
50th comment UwU
Jasper spins again “Rights hand.... yellow.”
“Right foot yellow
“Lemme spin this time!”
Oliver falls on their face. “Ah! Sh/t!” They grumble and step off the mat. Only Ava, Luka, and Andrew are left.
Liam spins “Left hand red!”
Andrew easily contorts the way he needs to. He doesn’t like to admit it out loud, but he was forced to do gymnastics when he was younger, and the skills stuck with him.
“Right foot... blue!”
Oliver watches Andrew, analyzing him. When he looks over, they quickly look down.
Nyx leaves the room, probably to go smoke a cig outside (not a good role model)
Nyx goes outside in the rain and sits in the driveway, thinking. As much as he pretended, he didn’t like being stuck in the mortal realm. He cries a little, the rainfall hiding his tears
(he is a softy)
Soft boi UwU
Liam senses feelings in the area. He whispers to himself “My feeling senses are tingling!”
Spider Liam Spider Liam! Doesn’t actually like spiders!
andrew also be felxing-ing
I’m drawing OwO gimme a sec im almost done
Mulan is the best UwU
ok im literally so behind on the village rp its kind of sad
Shall we explain UwU
pleeeaaasssseeee do lol
whatever you want
ahem... At Liam’s house everyone was hanging out and that is when Jake arrived, he had knocked on the door and Luka answered, his mind went *God that’s hot* and then Liam ranted at Jake then Jake left, and then later Luka comes over to Liam and Jasper’s house and Liam is in bed and then Luka is like “iM gAy?” and the Jasper is like “yOuR gAY.” So then Luka calls up Jake (cause before he got his number) and then Luka yells “IM GAY OH YE AND I LIKE YOU BAII!” then he hangs up so then Jake calls back and is like “I liek joo tUwU”
I did the long one
*bow bow*
* confetti!!! BWAAAA*
where did moonblood go?
why you be watching dem creepy spaghett bois
What I do at night is build a giant wall of blankets around me and I be safe UwU cause of course THE ONLY WAY YOUR SAFE IS WITH BLANKETS
My washer makes dripping noises, it’s a normal thing
;w; I am sending a virtual hug 🤗
hug the air with me
UwU feel mah vibes
Now I has to go lay in bed for a couple of hours before I actually go to sleep but I can stay for a bit longer
I don’t
welp B A I
sowwy was playin minecraft with mah bro
I went to bed ;w;
yall good
i myself just woke up
(same ;w;)
I’ve learned to sleep in UwU
my tux cat just leaped up next to me and head butted my face
it startled me so bad
ill remix pics of mah pets bc i loaf them so much
I loaf my doggos too much
snakey boi??
I like snakeys
it reminds me of deceit from sander sides
Nyx comes back inside, soaking wet. “What did I miss?”
(let’s just say Liam spun more times)
(aight) “Nothing much.” Oliver ruffles Nyx’s hair.
AnAndrew looks around, confused. “oh, well..”
“Oh...OH!” Andrew whispers back and realizes the plan. “Dude how the heck did you do that? I heard that Ava was a boss” Oliver asks him, grinning.
Ash shudders. “Clowns...eek.”
Ash pipes up. “That’ Oliver, Nyx and I were gonna go as Gravity Falls characters: Oliver as Mabel, Me as Dipper, and Nyx as human Bill Cipher.”
Nyx laughs knowingly.
“I’m gonna be Isabelle from Animal Crossing!” Liam pipes in
“I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna be...maybe Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead.” Andrew says. “I have the costume from when I cosplayed as him.” He realizes he let out a secret and blushes, looking down.
Jasper doesn’t tell what he’s gonna be but obviously Liam’s gonna make him be Tom Nook
“You cosplay?” Oliver blurts. “That’s AWESOME! I’ve done a few cosplays like Sailor Mars and The Onceler, but they didn’t go so well.”
Andrew makes a “stop shut up” face at Ava and talks about the cosplays he’s done to Oliver. Ash and Nyx grin at the two
(okay I told a h8r to dēēpthroat a cactus and I can’t stop laughing)
Nyx whispers to Ash. “Oliver and Andrew sure would make a cute couple. You know who else would?” He grins at Ash and winks.
Oliver nudges Basil with their elbow, noticing him staring at Ava, and taps a message in Morse code: Play it cool,man.
very wholesome UwU
I dislike bananas ;w;
I love bananas ;w;
Good for you UwU I will not judge
Ash feels a little uncomfortable, so he goes outside but brings an umbrella like a sensible person (unlike Nyx)
Oliver and Andrew discuss possible cosplay duos (since they both are into that kind of thing). It’s pretty adorable, watching them. They both like the other, but don’t know that the other likes them back.
Nyx laughs. Oliver and Andrew dont notice
Liam makes a small clap 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Ash comes back inside and sees his sibling and their crush talking. He smiles and walks over to Ava,Basil,Liam,Nyx,and Jasper (Oli and Andrew kind of broke off the big huddle to chat)
Liam groans “When will the rain stopppppp....”
“Who said the rain NEEDED to stop?” Oliver goes outside. “As long as there’s no lightning, we are fine!” A loud crack of thunder sounds, sending a shrieking Oliver bolting inside. “Not one single flipping word.”
“ME!!!!!!” Oliver hops up and down. “Uh...sure why not.” Nyx says nervously. He doesn’t know how it will work with him, a demon, present
Liam hides in the corner “Geet that sheet away from mee!”
Liam hisses like a cat
Nyx starts to feel uncomfortable, and shivers, his red eyes slightly glowing. “Uh I gotta do something.” He abruptly stands up and walks out of the room.
Nyx hides in a closet, focusing his mind. He was the closest demon, so he had to communicate with them through the board. “Will a demon suffice?”
oh oop ignore me
Liam quietly screeches “Oh flipppppppppp!!!”
oopty doop
and i oop sksksksksksksksk
“Ask it if it’s hot.” Oliver jokes
the vsco girl trend has (thankfully) disappeared
Liam makes a Ò^Ó face.
(wait is nyx communicating with them or nah?)
(alright) “Smokin hot.” Nyx replies. Oliver wheezes, knowing it’s Nyx
“Do you need an ice pack then?”
“You might need it.” Nyx lowkey threatens. Oliver cannot stop laughing
“What the fu-“
Even Ash cracks a smile (that doesn’t happen often)
Liam low key just slaps Ava in the face “GET IT TOGETHER!”
“Some friends, and that’s about it. My dad is Lucifer himself, never knew my mom.” Nyx replies.
Liam makes a quite screech
Oliver is fidgety since they can’t sit still for long periods of time.
“What’s the meaning of life? WHY IS MY HAIR PINK??!”
“Uh don’t know and genetics.” Nyx answers. His head is throbbing, but he’s gotten used to it.
Liam panics and silently screams
(if i disappear im switching to my tablet bc time limit on phone) Oliver takes a turn. “What do most call you by?” “Dīpshīt, it seems.” Nyx replies
(anywho) Nyx walks back into the room, rubbing his temples. “What did I miss?”
Liam is rocking back and forth in the corner curled up in his sweater (Sweater town (Gravity Falls reference))
“Well, cool.” Nyx sits down on the sofa, wrapping up in a blanket and falling asleep
“Must’ve used a lot of energy.” Oliver mumbles.
Luka nuuu-
Oliver mouths “Make sure she stays comfortable at all costs.” and promptly falls asleep in Andrews lap, not realizing it. Andrew blushes hard.
Why is everyone sleeping?-
(bc ppl sleepy)
So is Andrew and Ash
but seriously tho
I mean- Liam, Jasper, and Jake be awake so-
I.. do not know
Andrew sighs happily and puts a blanket over Oliver.
(they just talk, mostly about life, video games, and girls)
(dont ask how I know)
(Would Liam talk about bois-)
I’m a single child ;w; am lonely
i have a bro
Ash ruffles Nyx’s hair while he’s sleeping, an act that would have been dangerous if he was awake
Is it weird I wanna twin so I could always have someone my age?
(woah that escalated quickly) "so..." Ash ventures
“Not much..”
( Roses are red, Pickles are pickley holy flip, this escalated quickly.)
"Well...something weird happened to me today, but that's not an uncommon occurence." Ash replies
Jasper shrugs
Andrew pipes up. "Something weird happened to you? Guess weird things are happening today. My crush is literally asleep in my lap."
“Heh..” Liam glances at Jasper but quickly looks away (Hah me @ my friend crushes)
Jake scowls
(Im reading My Immortal bc I heard it was really cringey. wth was I thinking?)
“Sure” Jake shrugs
Ash looks at Nyx and back at the group. "Well mine kinda sort of kissed me today."
"It was a really weird moment not gonna lie, but it made me pretty happy." Ash continues
(Bois at mah school get annoyed when I change my voice slightly sometimes I make my voice higher pitched cause I find it comfortable and it helps me focus)
(my voice is quite deep rip)
Andrew has fallen asleep sitting up to avoid waking Oliver.
Jasper fell asleep curled up in a ball and Liam sighs to himself
Aw man ;w;
I have to go right now. Wuv you guys a wot!
Aww bye bai!! Luv joo to (Are we friendly enough to say that?)
baii ;w; I am alone now
Luv u tUwU
Good morning
Liam takes out a granola bar and eats it
That’s just how I start role playing
Lamma out loud
Imma start working on it a bit soon
oh- I deleted that cause I thought it was cringe worthy
oopty doo
sunflower is on the other pageeee
Oliver wakes up and sits up, their cheeks slightly tinged red. Nyx is still passed out on the couch
Liam fell asleep in the corner snoring
Liam is still sleeping
He mumbles to himself “I håtė pretzels..”
“Give me the cheese...”
“Well Imma go get a snack. Ava come with me?” Oliver asks, standing up
Liam wakes up “Whattt...”
Oliver walks into the kitchen and starts flipping out. “Me. Asleep. Lap. AAAAH.”
Liam looks confused “What the-“
“No- I love pretzels!”
“When did I say I hated them?@
also i made the cover for the village book
“eh- WHAT DID I SAY??” Thinking back to his dream that I’m not gonna tell youuu
The dream’ll be a separate chapter in the story >w•
“Phew.... also I håtė cheese.”
I do not know do you want the ending soon
Jasper gets up and rubs his neck “Maybe sleeping on the floor wasn’t a good idea..”
(I feel you >^<)
Nyx wakes up, his hair a crazy mess. “ughhhhhh.”
Jasper stretches and gets up
He stands up and trips. “Owwwwwww....” Nyx just lies on the floor. “Is this what a hangover feels like?”
Liam shrugs
Liam eats a granola bar that he just finds in his pocket
aight imma be back I needa make lunch
I have a bit OwO
eep I fell asleep
My sleep schedule is so wack. I fell asleep at 3 in the morning last night and woke at 8. then at 12:30 I fell asleep until 1:30
How I’m alive I still don’t know
yall should check out my meme account ;w; (trashy-bish)
(I just made it lol)
Nyx finally gets up. “This always happen when I communicate that way...oh $hīt!”
“Nothing.” He hides in his hoodie
“... ok!”
Jasper heard it perfectly fine but really doesn’t care, he suspected something at first
Cause Jasper’s chill 👌🏻
ok 👍🏻
I’m backk
Yeetus tateetus
am back ÙwÚ
Jake had already headed home in the middle of the night
Liam sits down somewhere
Liam’s oldest sister paces around her room “Why isn’t Liam back yet- is he ok?? AAAA” (I totally forgot the names)
“Basil you have to make your move sometime, you know?” Oliver says. “Girls like her get snatched up quickly.”
Liam puts up a 👍🏻
(oh mah-)
Liam whips out a blow drier
“Don’t ask why I have this!”
He hands over the blow dryer
Oh mah-
Oh lord baby pizza crust-
Ok.. phew
oh ye-
I remember you saying that
It’s ok, I’m strange too
Liam pulls out another granola bar “What the-“
Liam inhales and starts silently screaming “HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”
Nyx chuckles. He loves pranking people with his abilities, especially when they don’t know about it.
wAIt is Nyx the one making he granola bars appear?
(I guess. I was just tryna incorporate my characters somehow lol)
(so is Nyx just following Liam putting random granola bars in his pocket?)
cause I use that in The Village page
(oh oof forget I said it then 😅)
tHAt’s jUst cREepY
Oliver goes back outside since the rain let up a little. They start jumping in puddles like a child, giving absolutely no f-s. Andrew peeks out through the window, smiling.
Liam goes to eat the granola bar slowly, feeling very suspicious
“Liam don’t-“ Jasper says but then Liam takes a bite
Oliver pokes her head in for a second, causing Andrew to scramble away from the window. “Ava come on!”
Nyx sneaks up behind Liam and yells “BOO”
Liam screeches very loudly
Nyx starts dying of laughter.
(I don’t know if Liam should slap Nyx or just get really mad)
(either works)
(aight) Liam smacks Nyx in the face in pure panic
“Ah f—k!” Nyx yells, his right eye glowing.
“Oh shxxt..”
(Oh mah gawd Sans) (am I the only one who got an undertale obsession
“No...” Nyx moves his hair to hide his eye and runs upstairs, locking himself in a closet. He panics
(ah have yet to play it)
Liam stands there awkwardly
“He’ll be fine.” Ash reassures.
“Oh- ok..”
Nyx sits in the closet for a few minutes, then comes downstairs, seemingly normal.
“I’m so sorryyyy!!!”
“Dude it’s all good!” Nyx grins. He still keeps his eye hidden, though
“oh- uh- ok-...”
“I think I’m gonna go. Great meeting you guys!” Nyx quickly leaves.
Liam stares at his hand still in panic
“It wasn’t you.” Ash says to Liam. “Nyx has...anger issues.”
One side of Liam’s brain is like “HOLY SHXXT DID WE JUST DO THAT! WE HAVE THE POWER!!!” and the other side is crying in a corner
Oliver comes inside. “What happened in here? Nyx ran off and I think he was crying a bit.”
Liam still be processing things
Ash walks over to them and whispers to them. “Oh...”
I gotta go in a bit ;w;
Liam falls on his face “Yep Liam broke.” Jasper says like this has happened before
(aaah i gtg...wuv you 😘)
(Loaf youuu! baii)
goood morning !
It’s all good! UwU
so many-
Jasper picked up Liam, this had happened before...
;v; so do I
Liam’s mind is making the Microsoft noise, you know the one!
The normal one I think?
Jasper pulls out his phone and plays candy crush
is it bad to have multiple crushes
Then don’t crush on him find someone better (oof it sounds like a drama line)
ha I have had the same crush for 7 years and it’s probably never gonna happen yeeeee
The guys at my school are just total jerks
Most of mine are just, the worst people you will ever meet. sometimes I wish I where homeschooled
My crush is one of the only nice guys in our grade (and even he can be sort of jerky sometimes)
Oliver puts their hair up in a towel and lies on the floor, bored
b o r e d
okay new event to go off of