Stop eating potatoes Pic collage it does stuff..


Stop eating potatoes Pic collage it does stuff..

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yah why they be doing this!?
ugh PC is at it again
lol soul you have sans pie
whenever u call me senpei my face starts burning!
halp meh my face is burning!
grabs a ton of water and throws it on toasty
meh face is still burning red!
and yeh.. those potatoes do things
my face is still burning,!!
throws random things at toasty ahhhh
uhhmm..... *runs around in circles*
*puts a thumbs up* okay I'm better but I'm freezing now!! *Runs into a wall*
I can't see
and idk XD
Eats potatoe
Yay but I still can't see..
I can't see because da ice bucket
yas.. but now my face is red again..
I'm prone right now
ayyyyyyyyyy punz!
and I can't see again
XD burn them yus sorry I was busy with an art trade which I still am busy but eh
it's okay
and yay! me better
I can see!
grabs handful of potatoes I always wanted to do this throws them in a giant pit of fire
okay sya!
Just take meh life now....
noooo never
agree ^ I would never!
hugs the heck out of everyone and then hisses your all mine now hugs them even more
grabs soul and toasty and ties them together
0/////////0 *blushes deep* uhh.......
yus sans pie shall be souls
sits there with pop corn soul go for it you know you like him
yay! hewwo
0///0 u-uhmm....
do it do it do it
piccollage is cheating on everyone
cmon just kiss him
0////0 W-what!?
0//////////0 u-uh........,,,
fine I didn't want to do this but takes a toasty and a should vudu doll and makes them kiss
*has tears In eyes* *sniff*
uhhhhh.... *Face turns bright red*
*runs away crying*
the us ship completed yus told you soul this would work
welp soul you now have sans pie
nothing idk I'm evil
I'm kidding
now I'm bored
kk sya!
0/////0 o-okay..
welp I a leave you two together walks off I a draw things too
I'll probably make another blizzard post about pic collage
*groans* I feel sick guys. *coughs*
I am probably going to be sick for a while *eyes are red*
*voice is scratchy* see you pplz later
ok bye! I hope u feel better